1. To grease all consolidations by a fresh liquid for the steering hydraulic booster. |
2. The top plug 12 shaft-gear wheels in an aperture картера 55. |
3. Consolidation 11 shaft-gear wheels in картер 55 (with the help оправки КМ-108). |
4. Запрессовать the bearing 22 in картер 55 (by means of a press). |
5. A spring ring 23 in a flute картера 55.
The prevention To note correct position of a spring ring 23 before installation.
6. To collect consolidations 46 and 48 with the directing plug 54. |
7. To collect a sealing ring 53 and consolidation 52 with the piston 47. |
8. To collect the persistent washer 45 directing the plug of a rod and the piston in gathering on a rod рейки 25. |
9. To screw a nut 49 on a rod 25. To tighten a nut of a rod of the hydrocylinder the moment of 30 Nanometers. |
10. To establish рейку in gathering with the piston and the rod plug in картер. |
11. To put on a carving site картера (in regular intervals on a circle) three drops of structure Loctite 242 or an equivalent substitute.
The prevention It is necessary to use a small amount of structure Loctite 242 or an equivalent substitute to provide further possibility easy свинчивания the hydrocylinder 51 with картера 55 for repair carrying out.
12. To screw the cylinder 51 on картер by means of key КМ-472.
The prevention At installation it is necessary to establish hydrocylinder unions in former position rather картера (on the label made earlier).
13. To tighten the hydrocylinder the moment of 112 Nanometers. |
14. Directing lath 28 to рейке 25. |
15. To establish рейку with a lath in average position concerning a window картера. |
16. The distributor in gathering with new уллотнительными rings 8 and a spring ring 4 in картер 55.
The prevention At installation it is necessary to establish hydrocylinder unions in former position rather картера (on the label made earlier).
17. After the distributor is completely established in картер, it is necessary to be convinced of coincidence of labels on a shaft of the distributor and картере. To check up also that the directing lath 28 was on the average position. |
18. Keeping a shaft of the distributor from rotation, to wrap a nut 21. To tighten a nut of a shaft-gear wheel the moment of 30 Nanometers.
The prevention The inhaling of a nut without fixing from shaft-gear wheel rotation can lead to breakage of teeths of a gear wheel of the steering mechanism.
19. A cap 24 in картер 55. |
20. The bearing 7 in gathering on a distributor shaft. To shift the bearing on the place in картер 55. |
21. To establish on a distributor shaft protective cap J-34614. |
22. Consolidation 6 and пыльник 5 in картер 55. |
23. A spring ring 4 in a flute картера 55. |
24. To grease плунжер 14 with a sealing ring 15, a spring 18 and an adjusting stopper литиевой консистентной greasing and to establish in картер 55. |
25. Having established рейку in average position, to wrap clockwise an adjusting stopper 17 against the stop in картер. Then to turn away a stopper on 30–40 degrees. To check up size of the moment of a friction on a shaft of the steering mechanism. The maximum size of the moment of a friction from a preliminary tightness of a spring плунжера should not exceed 1,8 Nanometers. |
26. To screw a counternut 16 on a stopper 17. Keeping from rotation a stopper 17 to tighten a counternut of an adjusting stopper the moment of 70 Nanometers. |
27. To remove the plug 27 of a casing 44. |
28. A new collar 26 on a casing 44. |
29. To establish the plug 27 in a casing 44. |
30. For simplification of assemblage slightly to grease the plug 27 and to put on it on картер 55. |
31. To check up correctness of installation of washers 29 in nests of a casing 44. |
32. For simplification of assemblage of the mechanism to insert one bolt 38 into a washer 29 and directing lath 28 and to screw it in рейку 25. It will allow to fix correct position of details. |
33. The plug 43 on the hydrocylinder 51 and in a casing 44. |
34. To shift a casing 44 lengthways картера, to plant the plug 27 in an assembly flute on картере 55. |
35. A collar 26 on a casing 44. To tighten a collar by means of adaptation KM-J-26610. |
36. A collar 42 on the plug 43 casings 44 so that the connecting link of a collar settled down over a plug cut. To tighten a collar by means of adaptation KM-J-26610.
The prevention For connection density it is necessary, that the connecting link of a collar settled down over a plug cut.
37. Pipelines 56, 57 with уплотнительны ми rings 13 to the distributor and the hydrocylinder. To tighten nuts of unions on the case of the distributor the moment of 18 Nanometers, and nuts of unions on the hydrocylinder – the moment of 28 Nanometers. |
38. To insert bolts 38 into apertures of a basic plate 39, plugs of 36 steering draughts, washers 29, in apertures of a directing lath 28 and to screw them in рейку 25. To tighten bolts of fastening of steering bent for рейке the steering mechanism the moment of 90 Nanometers. |
39. A new fixing plate 37 on heads of bolts 38. At installation to check up correctness of an arrangement of cuts of a plate. |
40. A sealing cover 3 on картер 55. |
41. To attach муфту 2 to a shaft of the distributor 10. |
42. To screw a coupling bolt 1 муфты 2. |
43. To tighten a coupling bolt муфты a steering shaft the moment of 25 Nanometers. |
44. The steering mechanism in gathering on the car. |