Daewoo NexiaSince 1994 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Дэу the Nexia + The maintenance instruction + Maintenance service + The engine + 3. The engine (two top camshafts) + Cooling system + Топлевная and exhaust systems + Electric chain + 7. Ignition system + 8. The electronic block of management and gauges + Transmission + 10. A five-speed transmission and the main transfer RPO MM5 + 11. Automatic Transmission + Steering + Running gear + 14. A forward suspension bracket + 15. A drive of forward wheels + 16. A back suspension bracket + Brake system - Body 18.2. Identification and use of keys 18.3. Pasted lateral молдинги 18.4. Diagnostics and repair негерметичности Bodies 18.5. Anticorrosive processing + 18.6. Dismantle of consolidations of wind and back glasses + 18.7. A windscreen + 18.8. Back glass (the Body a sedan) 18.9. Glass of a back door (the Body a hatch-back) 18.10. Triangular lateral glass + 18.11. Elimination негерметичности consolidations + 18.12. A rear-view mirror + 18.13. An electroheater of back glass + 18.14. Bumpers 18.15. An external ventilating lattice 18.16. The switch of a forward door 18.17. A cowl 18.18. Cowl loops 18.19. A cowl emphasis 18.20. The zapornoe device of a cowl 18.21. A safety latch of a cowl 18.22. A cable of a latch of a cowl 18.23. A radiator lattice 18.24. A forward wing + 18.25. Panels of an upholstery of doors + 18.26. The equipment of doors (forward and back doors) + 18.27. Door-locks + 18.28. Glasses of doors 18.29. External rear-view mirrors 18.30. Dismantle and installation of forward and back doors + 18.31. Back panels of an upholstery (the Body a hatch-back) + 18.32. Upholstery panels (the Body a sedan) 18.33. The external panel 18.34. Вентиляционнай the valve (the Body a hatch-back) 18.35. Лючок mouths of a fuel tank + 18.36. Opening window leaves (the Body a hatch-back) + 18.37. A back shelf (the Body a sedan) 18.38. A luggage space cover (the Body a hatch-back) 18.39. An overlay of a back wall of a luggage carrier (the Body a sedan) + 18.40. A luggage carrier cover (the Body a sedan) 18.41. The back combined lantern + 18.42. A back door (the Body a hatch-back) 18.43. A roof 18.44. The ceiling panel 18.45. Protivosolnechnye peaks 18.46. A plafond of internal illumination + 18.47. Panels and the salon equipment 18.48. External longitudinal overlays of a roof + 18.49. The ventilating hatch + 18.50. Forward seats + 18.51. A back seat + Heating, ventilation + Electric equipment |
18.5. Anticorrosive processing
Drawing places герметизирующего structure
Example of consolidation and anticorrosive protection of connection of Kuzovnyh of details
Example of drawing of antinoise mastic Example of drawing of hermetic and anticorrosive structure
Anticorrosive protection of an inside of a cover of a luggage carrier Example of consolidation of connecting seams of a back part of the Body
Example of drawing of hermetic and antinoise mastic on a detail of a wheel niche
Hermetic drawing on a connecting seam of panels of a cowl Example of drawing of an anticorrosive covering on a wing The prevention For protection of the Body from corrosion special anticorrosive materials which are put on internal and external surfaces металличес ких panels are used. Some steel details are protected with one – or two parties a metal galvanic covering or zinced. Wings are made of a steel sheet with a sheeting, doors, lateral panels, the panel located before a windscreen, a cover of a luggage carrier and лючки, floor panels, mudguards of wheel niches and the other details of the Body treated to action of excited environments and subject mechanical damages. In Body places where the moisture congestion is possible, apply special technologies of preliminary anticorrosive processing of metal surfaces. On the prepared internal surfaces of details of the Body put a protective layer from paraffin mastic. Open connecting seams of the Body are processed by hermetic, on mudguards of wheel niches, the bottom of the Body and internal surfaces of doors is put a layer водооттал nodding and shumo-absorbing mastic. Any repair work connected with damage or removal of an anticorrosive covering, can lead интенсив ache the subsequent corrosion of not protected sites of the Body. Therefore it is very important after end of repair or replacement of details of the Body qualitatively to put an anticorrosive protective layer from the materials recommended for application in the conditions of service station. At Body manufacturing all metal surfaces are exposed to preliminary anticorrosive processing and preparatory layers of a sheeting are put on them. After repair or replacement of details of the Body it is necessary to process anew all not protected metal surfaces of the Body. This processing should be spent before putting гермети зирующие structures, шумоизолирующую mastic or the basic layer of an anticorrosive covering. In the course of Body manufacturing connect тельные seams of details are condensed with hermetic which not only interferes with penetration of water and a dust into the Body, but also is anticorrosive protection. Hermetic is put on interfaced surfaces of external and internal panels of doors, covers of a luggage carrier, a cowl, details of wheel niches, lateral panels of the Body, panels of a floor, a roof and other details of the Body. The condition герметизированных connections of Kuzovnyh of details can be easily estimated visually. At detection of damages of consolidations of connecting seams it is necessary to restore their hermetic sealing at once. Places of interface of new panels with Body details should be processed hermetic before installation on the car. New doors and the luggage carrier cover, established instead of old, also should be processed hermetic on all perimetre of an edge of a connecting seam. Welded seams, фланцевые connections or connections of details of the Body внахлестку are condensed with plastic hermetic of an average consistence. Hermetic should keep elastic properties after drawing on the Body and give in to colouring. With the big backlashes it is necessary to apply hermetic of a semifirm consistence to processing of open seams. At structure drawing необходи мо to be guided by firm-manufacturer instructions on packing. After Body repair it can be demanded подкраска some details, for example, a cowl, wings, doors, lateral panels, a cover of a luggage carrier, a roof of walls of a motor compartment, the bottom panels of the Body or internal panels. Thus it is necessary to apply the usual technology including preparation of a surface under painting/drawing of a first coat and the basic layer of a paint and varnish covering. Antinoise mastics which are put by dispersion on various metal panels, provide except noise level decrease in car salon also anticorrosive protection, and consolidation of connections of details of the Body. If the antinoise covering is damaged as a result of failure or at carrying out of repair work, it should be restored by means of the materials recommended for application in the conditions of service stations. At installation on автомобильновой Kuzovnoj of a detail (instead of old) it is necessary to put on it a layer of antinoise mastic. The arrangement of places of drawing of a covering and a thickness of a layer should correspond to the detail which have passed factory processing. For anticorrosive protection of details of the Body it is recommended to use structure of mark ЗМ Rust Fighter-1 or an equivalent substitute For protection against corrosion of large-sized details (doors, lateral panels, panels of a floor, a cover of a luggage carrier, a cowl, wings etc.) it is necessary to cover them with a first coat layer. Drawing of an anticorrosive covering is made in the following sequence.